Rainforest Classroom a Conservation Hit
Daniel and William were invited to speak to the Year 2 Students at St Margaret Mary’s Primary School at Merrylands and to see their rainforest classroom.
The students have been learning about orangutans and deforestation over the past few weeks and were very excited to let Dan and Will know they were having a big fund raiser at school to raise money for the orangutans. “Everything is going to be orange for the day !”, said Melissa Fardella, one of the Year 2 teachers.
The kids in the Year 2 class did an AMAZING job at making the inside of their classroom resemble the forest canopy with green sheets and netting as well as leaves and branches filled with orangutan facts and posters that the students had made.
Daniel and William also spoke about a new website called ‘Global Forest Watch‘, launched by the Jane Goodall Institute, that monitors and tracks global deforestation and forest growth, in real time, so you can monitor all forests around the world and is a brilliant teaching tool for anyone interested in conservation.
The students all knew a lot about palm oil and even presented the boys with a thank you gift containing palm oil free biscuits and chocolates.
Good luck with your fund raiser this Friday !