Ranger Stacey from Totally Wild
Ranger Stacey from Channel Ten’s long running and succesful television show, “Totally Wild” visited Daniel and William’s home town of Terrey Hills NSW yesterday so the boys made sure they were there to meet her.

The boys received news that Ranger Stacey was visiting their local area and doing talks about the threatened species and were keen to meet up with her. Ranger Stacey was promoting the Warringah Council’s new website on the Endangered Ecological Community called Duffy’s Forest as it is a rare type of bushland found only in the Warringah Shire.

Ranger Stacey recognised the boys and knew about the work they were doing to save the orangutan. She also was delighted to support the boys in their quest by adding her name to their Celebrity Support Page with other celebrities who are supporting Daniel and William’s quest.
William said, “It was great to hear her talk about her early days of working with the legendary ‘Crocodile Hunter’, Steve Irwin, the respect she has for him and the work that he did. Both Daniel and I have always been fans of Steve and Daniel let her know that it was Steve’s work that inspired him to start this quest.” As Ranger Stacey recounted her many experiences with the Wildlife Warrior you could see in her face how much she missed him. “He was such an amazing man”, Daniel said, “Our generation needs to continue what he started”.
The boys took the opportunity to get close to some of the local wildlife that was brought along by Australian Wildlife Displays who specialise in raising awareness in our community of our native animals.
Daniel also had a visit from a rescued and hand raised Tawny Frogmouth which settled down nicely on his shoulder!!